It’s been just under 250 years since America declared its independence from a tyrannical regime which taxed us, abused us, and denied us our fundamental rights such as free speech, free association, life, liberty and property.
Today, Monday January 20, 2025, we once again declare our independence from a tyrannical regime which has taxed us, abused us, and denied us our fundamental rights.
The first time it was the British Crown. This time it’s our homegrown leftist authoritarians directed by their international elite handlers.
The stakes in the last election could not have been higher. A victory for the repressive left would have been a crippling wound to American liberty and with it, freedom and democratic governance around the world. As America goes, so does the world.
But as Winston Churchill famously said, “America always does the right thing…once all other options have been exhausted.”
On November 5, 2024, America did the right thing, having been exhausted by the utter failure of the Biden/ Harris regime, and the woke culture more broadly.
Martin Luther King’s words beautifully describe this moment as we transition from failure, “We must accept finite disappointment, but never lose infinite hope.”
As Donald John Trump assumes the presidency, I am filled with infinite hope because I see the determination of millions of our fellow citizens who have joined the movement to Make America Great Again.
On foreign policy, America is the most powerful nation in history with a truly global reach and the influence to secure our national interests. We can and will end wars. We can and will support nations that share our interests, and stymie those who don’t.
We can and will secure the border. We can and will deport those who do not respect our culture, our laws, and our citizens.
At home, we will end the slow-motion poisoning of the American people by big food and big pharma. We will Make America Healthy Again.
We will reign in censorship and deplatforming. We will replace “fact-checkers” with freedom.
We will end the woke insanity which has permeated our institutions and warped them into the enemies of freedom and normalcy. We will protect our kids.
We will, under President Trump’s leadership, usher in a new era of prosperity. The freedom to live, worship, speak, associate, and earn to your own benefit, will again be America’s gift to our citizens and our example to the world.
All of this, and so much more, is possible on THIS Independence Day because one man never lost faith in himself or his nation. He never lost faith in us. Despite hoaxes, lawsuits, indictments, and even bullets, he put one foot in front of the other, against all odds, until this day of liberation.
Like Washington at Valley Forge or our boys storming Omaha Beach, Donald Trump has given the full measure of his devotion to make today a reality. For that, he has the full measure of mine.
Commissioner Sid Miller
January 20, 2025